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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Welcome to Willow's class page! 

We are a class of 31 year 5 and year 6 children. Our teacher is Miss Culverwell and Mrs Goodwin and Mrs Thomas are our teaching assistants. 

Keep an eye on our page to see the exciting things we get up to this year! 



World Maths Day - Wednesday 5th March

Victorian Day for Willow and Sycamore Class 23/4/21

Wellbeing Wednesday 31/3/21


For our final Wellbeing Wednesday of Spring term, the children in Willow Class have been sewing their own bookmarks which has been led by Mrs Goodwin. They have turned out brilliantly and the children have enjoyed learning a new skill! 



Mental Health Week 3.2.21


The children in school were lucky to take part in a mental health webinar for Mental Health Week. The webinar was lead by Nick Morgan, who is a youth mental health supporter. The children really enjoyed the session and took part in quizzes as well as other fun activities! 


Topic - Rivers  28/1/21


Our Topic this term is 'Rivers'. The children in school have been drawing the structure of a river and have painted their own pointillist river inspired pictures. 



Certificate winners this week! 16/10/2020

Certificate winners this week! 09/10/2020

Cookie Excavation  5/10/20


We have been learning about different archaeologists in year 5 and 6 and the patience, skill and perseverance needed to be one. Today we put our archaeology skills to the test and took part in a cookie excavation where we chiseled chocolate chips from our cookie! The children enjoyed feeling like an archaeologist looking for 'artefacts'  and enjoyed eating the cookie at the end even more! 

Cookie Excavation 5/10/20

Creative Challenge 21/09/20


Today we used only the resources in our pack and a piece of paper to create a sculpture and name it. We used our imagination, creativity, perseverance and resilience! 


Star of the Week and Team Point Winner 18/9/20

Some facts we found out about famous archaeologists for our homework this week... 

We started our MFL French lessons with Mrs H this week... 

Celebration Assembly 11/9/20

Bath & Wells MAT

