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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Welcome to Rowan Class

We are a class of 30 Year 1 children. Our teacher is Mr Smith and our teaching assistants are Mrs Hicks and Mrs Drew.

Follow our page to see the exciting things we get up to this year!

Summer A newsletter

Science - Learning about Plants

Wellbeing Day

Making our castles in DT!

Bread making

Trip to the Hill Fort

Computing using Scratch Jr

In maths we have been looking at number pairs!

Harvest pumpkins

In Computing we have been looking at programming. We have used our programming mice this week. 

In Maths we have been comparing numbers using greater then, less than and equal to. 

In English we have been looking at the story Tin Forest. We have spoken about our favourite characters and then drew them. 

Bath & Wells MAT

