Welcome to Ash Class.
The adults in Ash Class are:
Miss Bartholomew- Class Teacher
Mrs Williams- Teaching Assistant (Monday-Thursday)
Miss Grace- Teaching Assistant (Monday-Friday)
Mrs Prowse- Teaching Assistant (Monday-Thursday mornings, Friday all day)
Mrs Marshall- Teaching Assistant (Friday Morning)
We hope you enjoy looking at all of the wonderful learning that takes place.
In Ash class this week we have continued to learn around our focus of ‘The Gruffalo’.
We were really excited to have our first ‘Funtrition’ class today. This was a chance for us to discuss healthy living. The children were able to try some different vegetables and fruits such as, blueberry, celery, spinach and banana.
Following this Ash class all had a go at designing a healthy lunch box for the Gruffalo and we were really impressed by their healthy food ideas.
During literacy the children have been writing questions that they would ask if they met the Gruffalo. We are really trying to remember when to use a question mark in our writing.
During R.E we have written our own prayer to go with our stain glass window that we made during last week’s R.E lesson, we are looking forward to sharing this with the rest of the school.
During maths we have been focusing on using two 10’s frame and how we can use 10’s frames to represent teen numbers. We have found it useful to remind ourselves of what a teen number looks like.
This week we have had a very busy week in Ash class!
We have been using our fine motor skills to paint a picture of the Gruffalo. The adults have been so impressed with how hard the children have tried with this.
In our literacy we have been writing about our trip to the theatre. We have tried to use lots of interesting language in our writing.
In forest school this week we were able to make butter! This was so exciting as after we had made the butter we got to eat the butter on some crackers.
During R.E we worked really hard to create our own stain glass window. We worked really hard and thought about what colours we should use.
In maths we have been learning with 10’s frames and exploring how we can show one more or one less using a 10’s frame.
14th May 2018
In Ash class this week we have been enjoying learning about weddings and the Royal family.
During R.E we learnt all about who might go to a wedding, what different roles they might have and what people might wear. We also talked about why people get married and what a wedding ring symbolises. Ash class then had a go at making their own wedding rings.
We had a royal tea party on Friday afternoon and had a go at making a biscuit in the shape of the Union Jack, fruit kebabs, salt dough decorations and some rocky road. We also had a go at painting some Union Jack bunting.
During maths we have been thinking about halving. The children have really impressed us with how hard they have been trying to halve numbers.
The children had a go at writing their own invitation for someone to come to our royal tea party this week. Great writing Ash class!
In Ash class this week we have done lots of super learning!
During our maths we have been thinking about doubling numbers and how we would write this as a number sentence.
During literacy the children have been writing a letter to the giant who lives at the top of Jack’s beanstalk. We were really impressed with the super questions that the children had for the giant.
In R.E we have been continuing to focus on the religion Islam. This week we were able to have a look at a real prayer mat and even had a go at drawing our own prayer mats.
In write dance we have enjoyed recapping over all of the past dances we have done this year, the children really impressed us with how well they have remembered the dances.
During PE we have practised how to do the sponge race and the egg and spoon race. We are really looking forward to sports day!
This week in Ash class we have been focussing on number sentences in our magic maths sessions. The children have been practising how to write a number sentence using addition and then working out what the answer is.
We have been thinking more about the religion of Islam during RE and this week the children were exploring the Holy book called the Qur’an. We have even had a go at writing some of the Arabic alphabet. We were really impressed with the fantastic questions the children have asked.
Our literacy this week has been to write a ‘For Sale’ poster for the cow from Jack and the Beanstalk. The children have also had a go at independently writing the fourth week of their bean diaries.
During write dance this week the children had a go at drawing waves in time to the music. The children really listened to the music and thought about how big the waves might have been.
This week in Ash class the children have been writing the next week of their bean diaries. We can’t believe how much our bean plants are changing. This has been an independent challenge for the children so the adults have been really impressed to see their fantastic independent writing!
During literacy this week the children have been writing out parts of our Jack and the Beanstalk story map. We have been so amazed at the fantastic writing that the children have produced this week. Well done Ash class!
We have continued to practise our sports day activities during PE to make sure that the children are feeling very confident on sports day.
During our independent learning time the children have been practising brushing teeth, making prints with tea bags and coloured water and exploring our farm investigation tray.
16th April 2018
In Ash class this week we have continued to learn about our topic ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’.
We were continuing writing our bean diaries. The children have really enjoyed watching how their bean plants have changed.
During R.E we were learning about praying and who we could pray for and why we would pray for them. The children then wrote or drew their prayers and we stuck them into our class prayer book.
We have been learning about capacity in Maths and have been trying to estimate the capacity of different sized containers.
We have had two independent challenges this week. The first was to put different sized bean stalks into order. Our second challenge was to write a speech bubble for Jack and the beanstalks mother. The children really impressed us with their fantastic independent work!
In Ash class this week we have been learning our new story of Jack and the Beanstalk. The children have been practicing learning their new story map.
We each planted our own bean plant and we are looking forward to watching these grow. The children have started their very own ‘bean diaries’ and are recording how their bean plant will change each week.
We were really impressed with the independent writing that the children have done about their Easter break. It sounds like they all had a lovely Easter holiday.
In Magic Maths this week we have been practising how to work out one less than a given number. We have continued to practise this outside with a number hunt.
We have now got some tadpoles in Ash class and have been having lots of discussions about how we think these will grow and change. We have been using our magnifying glasses to look into the tank and see what the tadpoles look like close up. The children have been writing about the tadpoles and drawing them.
During RE we learnt about the story of the ‘Good Samaritan’ and what this means. The children even had a go at acting out their own version of the ‘Good Samaritan’.
This week we have been thinking about Easter in Ash class. We have been doing some independent writing about what Easter means to us.
The children worked independently to order the life cycle of a chicken. We were amazed at how well they did this. We also made egg sandwiches and got to taste these.
We have been busy practising our songs from the Easter service ready to show all our families on Friday.
In Ash class this week we have been thinking about spring and new life. Our independent challenge was to paint a picture of a daffodil.
In literacy we have been writing our very own spring poem. We have been very impressed with the children’s fantastic poems.
During R.E we were thinking about the Easter story and what the cross symbol represents. We looked outside for signs of spring and new life and brought these in to sick onto our cross.
During magic maths we have been thinking about measuring. The children took one of their shoes off and had to find something that was either; longer, shorter or the same length as their shoe.
5th March 2018
This week in Ash class we have enjoyed learning outside with all of the leftover snow from the weekend. The children have been exploring how the snow feels and what they could make with it.
We have worked independently to sort rhyming words in our literacy. The children have also been writing about someone special in their life and what they would like to thank them for.
We have been doing gymnastics on a Monday afternoon and it has been lovely to see the children develop their skills. This week the children were learning how to do a forward roll. The grownups were very impressed with how well the children did.
In maths we have been continuing to learn about addition and have been using number lines, Numicon and bead strings to help us.
In R.E we were thinking about the Easter story. We talked about hot cross buns and what these might represent, we even got to taste one.
Monday 26th February
In Ash class this week we have been practising our ‘Each, Peach, Pear, Plumb’ story map, the children have really impressed us with how fantastically they have learnt this.
We have been thinking about addition in our magic maths and what the addition sign looks like and what it means. The children have been making the addition sign with their arms.
In literacy the children were looking at pictures of characters from the story ‘Each Peach Pear Plumb’ and describing what the characters looked like.
We have had a very busy first week back after half term. We have loved exploring our new topic, which is all about the story ‘Each Peach Pear Plumb.’
Our role play area has been transformed into a castle with, crowns, jewellery and our very own thrones.
During write dance we were able to explore what it would be like to move as a train. The children performed their train dances to one another and worked together to make one train with lots of carriages.
The independent challenge involved the children writing about what they did over their half term break, it was lovely to hear all of the wonderful adventures the children had got up to.
In magic maths this week we have been exploring time and the days of the week.
During literacy we have been thinking about rhyming words.
In Ash class this week we have enjoyed tasting pancakes in our R.E lesson where we were thinking about Lent and what this means.
We went on a walk around ‘Norton Hill Fort’ which we all thoroughly enjoyed; it was lovely to have a chance to see the natural environment around us.
We have been writing about how we could catch a wild thing in literacy and what we could use to do this.
During maths we have been discussing ‘one less than’ and have been singing songs like ‘ten green bottles’ to help us with this.
It has been careers week this week so we have been very lucky and have had lots of inspirational people come in to talk to us, such as; a policeman, a fire-fighter, a fighter- jet pilot, a paramedic and a vet.
We have had a very busy half term and are looking to see what exciting learning we will get up to after half term.29/01/2018
In Ash Class this week we have had chance to make our own wild characters out of different collage materials.
The children have been writing about Max’s journey to the island of the wild things.
In maths this week we have been thinking about more/ less and exploring other language that could be used when discussing more or less. The children practised by giving wild thing characters different amounts of sweets and thinking about who had more sweets and how we knew this.
We have been thinking about thanksgiving services in R.E and why we would say thank you to God when a baby is born. We acted out what we thought would happen at a thanksgiving ceremony.
22nd January 2018
In Ash class this week we have been doing some more amazing writing. We have been writing about what food we think Max would have liked to take with him on his wild journey.
We have been exploring prepositions in maths and have been using lots of relevant language such as; on top, next to, underneath, in and in between. The children have been trying really hard and we have heard lots of them using this language in their play.
During ‘Write Dance’ this week the children were pretending to be robots. We were exploring all different kinds of movements that robots might make.
The children have worked hard to make their own wild character out of different shapes. The children then independently took a picture of their wild shape character.
15th January 2018
This week in Ash class we have been writing our very own ‘wild things’ character descriptions. The children have really impressed us with their fantastic writing!
We have had two challenges this week; one was the colour in our own ‘wild thing’ character and the second was to sequence the story of ‘Where the Wild Things Are’.
We have continued to enjoy learning in our jungle role play. The children have been looking at some jungle books whilst learning in the role play area.
In P.E this week the children have been pretending to be spacemen on the moon. We have been practising how spacemen would move and have been jumping from planet to planet.
8th January 2018
We have had a lovely first week back from Christmas this week. We have had lots of fun learning about our new story ‘where the wild things are’. On Thursday we had our ‘Rumpus’ where we came dressed up as characters and enjoyed playing some ‘wild things’ games. We are now working hard to learn our story map.
In magic maths we have been learning about ‘part, part, whole’. We have been using Numicon to do this.
11th December 2017
In Ash class this week we were lucky enough to be able to perform our Christmas nativity to our families and friends. We all did really well and enjoyed showing off all the work and practise we have put in.
We have been busy making paper chains and other decorations to decorate our classroom with.
The children have continued to perfect their floor movements in P.E and it was clear to see that lots of the children had been practising.
Lots of us have continued our shape learning in magic maths and the adults have been very impressed with the children’s growing knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes.
4th December 2017
In Ash class this week we were lucky enough to perform our dress rehearsal of our nativity to the rest of the school! We all did really well and can’t wait to show it to our families next Tuesday and Wednesday. We have enjoyed being able to open up our advent calendar every morning and see what joke is within each pocket.
Ash class have continued with their handwriting practise and we are really impressed with their brilliant letter formation. The children were able to show off their fantastic letter formation in the writing activity that they took part in this week. Each child had a go at writing a sentence about their trip to Langford Lakes Christmas tree farm.
We practised lots of different floor movements in P.E this week such as skipping, hopping and side stepping. It is great to see the children using these movements within their playtime.
27th November 2017
This week in Ash class we have had a great week and have been very busy with our learning. We have been making patterns with paint and Numicon and have been writing CVC words independently.
We went on our school trip to Langford Lakes Christmas tree farm where we learnt so much! We learnt how they wrap the Christmas trees, how long they take to grow, how tall they can grow and we even got to go through a snow machine! Langford lakes were also very kind and gave all of us a free Christmas tree decoration to go on our trees at home! We are very grateful.
20th November 2017
This week in Ash Class we have been busy practising our Nativity Play ready for our fast approaching Christmas performance! We can’t wait to share it with our families. We have spent some time looking at where the nativity story comes from and have enjoyed re telling this using our knitted characters.
During our R.E we have used the empty toilet rolls that were kindly donated to us to each make a baby Jesus in his manger, we really enjoyed this and it gave us chance to discuss what happened once baby Jesus was born.
We have been learning with the Numicon in our maths and it’s great to hear the Numicon practise some children have been doing at home.
We have also been practising reading our red words; it’s great to see how well the children are remembering these.
We are looking forward to our trip to the Christmas tree farm next week!
13th October 2017
In Ash this week we have been very busy! We have taken part in interfaith week and have been making bread to tie in with a Sheikh story that we have been learning.
We have even been lucky enough to help Mr Murphy and Mr Owen plant some trees in our forest school area.
We have been busy in write dance practising our writing skills by 'taking our line for a walk' on paper whilst listening to a piece of music. The children have really impressed us with their mark making skills.
6th October 2017
In Ash class this week we have continued to enjoy our story of ‘The enormous turnip’ and have been labelling a picture of the characters. The children have been exploring numicon with the turnip play dough. Ash class were set an independent challenge to reorder the story of ‘The enormous turnip’ with a partner, we were really impressed with their teamwork!
We have been practising patterns in our maths using our pattern pythons as well as working independently to create a firework picture.
30th October 2017
This week we have enjoyed creating our new role play. We have got a farm shop! This is linked to our topic ‘The Enormous Turnip’. We have started to learn the story of ‘The Enormous Turnip’ using our class story map. We have made turnip play dough which we have had fun experimenting with.
Our independent challenge this week as been to put some turnips into size order. We have also made repeating patterns with the turnips.
16th October 2017
In Ash class this week we have practiced writing the numbers 5 and 6. We used geo boards and elastic bands to see what different shapes we could make.
We had an interesting values day and enjoyed having a celebration on Thursday afternoon for the schools 30th birthday party.
We hope all the children have a lovely half term; we are looking forward to seeing you once we’re back.
9th October 2017
We have had a very busy week in Ash class this week. We went to our first celebration assembly where three children from ash class received a certificate for their super learning.
We found lots of conkers when exploring outside and used these for counting and sorting.
Some children in Ash class impressed us with their super story telling at carpet time and the children have enjoyed sharing the model houses they made at home.
All of the children had a chance to paint a picture of a character from a story which was special to them. We are looking forward to another busy week next week.
2nd October 2018
In Ash Class this week, we have enjoyed learning some new sounds in phonics. We have learnt the digraph ‘sh’. During our outdoor learning we have practiced writing our sounds in salt.
We made jelly with Miss Grace. We made three different flavours. We then tasted the jelly and our independent challenge was to tick the sheet showing which one was our favourite.
In RE we thought about our special places and why they are special. We found out that Churches are special places for Christians as they feel close to God there.
25th September 2018
We have enjoyed exploring outside this week. We have experimenting with paint and colour and lots of us have practiced our cutting skills. With Miss Bartholomew we have been writing about the people who are special to us.
In Ash class we have explored the different ICT that we have available to us. We have particularly like using the class interactive whiteboard to create pictures.
18th September 2017
This week in Ash Class we have enjoyed being together as a whole class. We have been learning the phonic sounds ‘ i, n ,p, g and o’ and have been practicing our shape knowledge. We started our first write dance lesson which was great fun. We are looking forward to staying for lunch next week.
11th September 2017
This week we have had our first week in Ash class. We have been busy painting portraits of ourselves, learning the phonics sounds ‘m,a,s,d and t’ as well as learning all about our routines and classroom expectations. This week our class Ashley doll went home with somebody from Ash class for the first time and we are looking forward to seeing what adventures Ashley has been up to this week.
Tuesday 5th September 2017
This week in Ash class the adults have enjoyed going to the children’s houses and finding out all about them and their families. We then had our first day in Ash class. We got to know each other and shared our all about me books and holiday postcards. We are looking forward to exploring the classroom and outside area within the next few weeks.