Please take a look at the after school provision we offer for your child/children
Before & After School Club
The school runs a before school club starting at 8.00am every school day. The charges per session are shown when parents book places via Parentmail. The children are taken to their classrooms at 8.35am ready for their school day to start.
Similarly, the school runs an after-school club. This operates between 3.15pm to 5.30pm, in two sessions. A range of activities are provided. You may provide a snack for your child, if you feel this is necessary. To book a place for ASC please use the Parentmail facility.
The current charges are:
Before school - 8.00am - 8.35am £4
After school - 3.15pm - 4.30pm £4
After school - 4.30pm -5.30pm £5 - Currently unavailable until further notice
Unfortunately, there is no provision for preschool children. The provision of extra adults (where a child needs extra support either because of a Special Educational Need, continued behavioural incidents or a medical need).
The charges for the BSC and ASC only reflect the ratios identified in this policy, therefore we cannot cover the cost of extra adults for individual children within the published charges.
The provision is not part of the main educational offer provided by the school from 9.00am to 3.15pm. We do not take money from the school’s budget to support this provision; it is self-sufficient and separate from the school budget provided by the Department of Education. The facility is not equipped to be able to manage some children with Social and Emotional needs because of space, staff ratios. In individual cases children may attend BSC and ASC for an additional charge which will pay for a member of staff to support the child. The costings for this will be discussed on an individual basis with a member of SLT.
This is dependent on the availability of extra staff members. In all cases where the school decides that a child’s needs cannot be met in BSC and ASC, staff will consult with a member of the Senior Leadership Team and this will be communicated to parents with a formal meeting offered to discuss the needs and concerns.