Loose parts
We are always on the lookout for 'loose parts' and resources for our OPAL provision. If you have any of the items below, that you no longer need and are able to donate, we would be very grateful!
● Suitcases of any size and type
● Anything on wheels/castors
● Plastic milk crates/supermarket delivery crates/plastic bread trays
● Briefcases, especially hard cased ones
● Road signs and cones
● Kitchen pots, pans, baking trays, work tables, wooden spoons, chopping boards
● Tools like small spades/shovels, trowels and brooms
● Tubes of various sizes and various materials
● Buckets
● Nets and thick ropes
● Keyboards/torches/laptops/calculators/mobile phones/desk phones/webcams/cameras that are no longer working
● Fabric (large sheets/brightly coloured fabric)
● Foam sheets/bodyboards/camping roll mats/yoga mats
● Wooden pallets
● Metal frames
● Cable drums
● Guttering
● Noodles (the type you use in the swimming pool!)
● Hats/scarves/jazzy shirts/elasticated skirts/waistcoats/wedding dresses/character costumes
● Pegs (to help to set up dens)