Ethos Days
2022- 2023 Ethos Days
We have spent one full day, per half term, to explore our Christian distinctiveness and ask and discuss Big Questions. Previously, these have been called Value days and we have explored each core value that has been our focus for that half term.
Autumn term 2022
The aim of the day is to explore our vision statement
‘One Family Together We Shine’ based in our Christian scripture
I am the good shepherd John 10:11 [this was a parable Jesus told]
Developing a sense of belonging is an integral part of inclusive practice.
A sense of belonging is vital for mental health. When children’s needs for a safe, secure environment are met, they can feel they belong and are fully included. As a result, they experience fewer behavioural issues and can develop positive relationships and learn successfully.
The Ethos Day assembly power point
Autumn B Value Day December, 21: Friendship and Christingle.
Values Day Autumn A 2021
Focus: Generosity
We linked our values day to the picture book - 'It's a no money kind of day,' by Kate Milner
This explored the use of food banks. We based out harvest festival around this theme of giving to others and collected donations for the Taunton Food bank.
Certificate from Taunton Food Bank
Summer B 2021 Respect
Summer A 2021 Compassion
Spring B : Forgiveness
We are now in a period Lent as we prepare for Easter, when we remember the salvation Jesus brought when God came to earth in human form.
Spring A: Perseverance
This term we have all been demonstrating perseverance, as we find ourselves in another National Lockdown.
We have taken part in Values day whether at school or at home.
Perseverance lockdown assembly
Autumn B Advent and Generosity
What do we celebrate at Christmas?
What is the incarnation?
Oak, Birch and Maple class made cards and advent wreaths which they gave to local care homes and displayed in the village medical centre.