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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Welcome to Oak Class. We are a class of 30 children in year 4 and 5. 

Our class teacher is Miss Webber. We are supported by Miss Smalldon and Mrs James.

20.6.24 - Visit from Emily Syme!!!

12.6.24 - Year 5 Sports Fesitval!

3.6.24 - NO CHAIRS!!!!!

23.5.24 - Wellbeing week! Teamwork challenge!

22.5.24 - Wellbeing week! Designing our own board games.

15.5.24 - Nature art in the garden!

24.4.24 - Year 4 trip to Dunster Castle.

22.3.24 - Dress as a colour (linked to adjectives)

21.3.24 - Tasting vegetables!

20.3.24 - Bring an object to create into a book character!

18.3.24 - Dress as an Explorer day!

14.3.24 - Prehistoric hand painting in Art!

11.3.24 - Year 4 Science - Creating circuits!

8.2.24 - Big Art Day! Focussing on printing using repeating patterns.

7.2.24 - Rocktopus with Oak & Birch!

31.1.24 - Making castles!

25.1.24 - Creating Vector Drawings.

3.1.24 - Finding treasure!

7.12.23 - Oak Class Christmas Party!

7.12.23 - Making our own 'Kindness Advent Calendars'.

5.12.23 - Playing 'decorate the Christmas tree.'

20.10.23 - Funky hair day!

Bath & Wells MAT

