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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Event Gallery Archive 2014-2014

TLP Awards Ceremony 2014

Sports Day 2014!!

What a fabulous day was had by all!! All the children were involved in a carousel of sporting activities from egg and spoon races to assault courses. Lots of parents came along to show their support and even got involved in a parents race!!


A huge congratulations to the winning team - Blue team!!

Pirates Wow Day - Key Stage 2


Sycamore and Maple class had a fantastic day yesterday taking part in pirate activities to launch our new topic ‘Pirates of the Deep’. We learned to talk in pirate speak, ate pirate grub, sang real pirate shanties and even walked the plank! Children enjoyed learning to tie knots and meeting a real life pirate (and he wasn’t even scary!!). The day was a super start to our topic and we have lots more exciting learning opportunities to come.

Children's University- April 2014

Education Sunday- February 2014

Bath & Wells MAT

