Welcome to Maple class 2017-2018
We are a mixed class of 22 year 4's and 6 years 5's. We have 2 adults that work in our class, Mr Benjafield our teacher and Miss Jones, our teaching assistant.
Kingfisher Presentation Picnic
The Owl Song

Norton Manor Camp - Orienteering
Kingfisher Project - Curry Rivel
Taunton Museum - The Stone Age and Bronze Age
Kenning Poems

Using QR codes to find the answers to our angle questions
Stone Age Cave Paintings
Discovering Stone Age Art In Maple Class
Net & Wall Festival (Blackbrook)
Playground Politics - Follow the link below (1 HOUR AND 27 MINUTES, 1 HOUR AND 56 MINUTES & 2 HOURS AND 25 MINUTES)
News Group 5 - Skara Brae

Top News - Skara Brae

Norton News - Skara Brae

Stone Age Boy - retelling the story using story maps

Stone Age Top Gear featuring the new X - 12

The Animal Exterminator 3000 - Advert for a Stone Age bow and arrow

The Destroyer 2000 - Advert for a Stone Age bow and arrow

Poetry - The Coming of the Iron Man

Ted has really enjoyed listening to a wide variety of stories.
Over the last 6 weeks, we have had Premier Education Group working with us once a week, covering a topic called 'Fun-trician'. During this time, we have looked at how our bodies process food, what different food groups feed our bodies, how to have a balanced diet and how to eat healthily on a budget. The children have loved this and our final session ended with the children creating fruit pizzas. Thank you Premier Education Group!
This term, we have been looking at Aboriginal Art. The children have looked at various different styles of Aboriginal Art and the techniques that were used. They then went on to make their own piece of Art.
Aboriginal Art
Conscience Alley - Advantages and Disadvantages of having solar panels at the school
A Talk About Hats
Crossfit Warm-Up

P.E. - Crossfit
Our Second Pets As Therapy Dog (Ted) visited the class today.
One of our TheraPets (Indie) came to visit Maple for the day.
Maple Class had the opportunity to create a day project last week. They were able to choose a subject of their choice and were given the morning to collect the information they needed, using books, laptops and ipads. They then displayed all of this information in a poster form and presented it to the class in the afternoon. We had some fantastic topics, ranging from spit fires, the circus, countries and pokemon.
Using story maps to re-tell the Iron Man

Can you solve the problem? There are 3 tables. One table has 3 bars of chocolate. One table has 2 bars of chocolate. One table has 1 bar of chocolate. Each table has a different number of children. If the bars had to be shared equally, which table would you sit on to get the most chocolate? Tip - use equivalent fractions to help you.
Are you for or against the Iron Man

Emergency Farmers' Meeting

What the farmers think about the Iron Man


This term, Maple class are studying the Iron Man. The children have made a video as an introduction to this, focusing on strong expression and sound effects.
Before we broke up for Christmas, Miss Jones asked her friend Derek to come in and talk to us. Derek is 90 and he used to be a Fighter Pilot for the Royal Navy. Derek shared about the wonderful things he had done in his life and inspired us to always try hard to achieve our ambitions and dreams.
Between September and Christmas, we have had the privilege of being able to have a Ukulele lesson once a week. During this time we have become more confident in playing and set ourselves a goal of performing to Birch Class, which we did! To thank us, Birch Class sang us a song to wish us a very Merry Christmas!
Our next visitor was Mr Bentley (Luca's step dad) who shared with us his passion for cycling. He rode at a semi-professional level and was able to share stories of both triumph and failure and taught the children that no matter how many times they fall off, they can always get straight back on again. Never give up, even when it's really hard!!
Our next visitor was Bogusz (Ronja's brother) who shared with us his passion for being a chef and how that skill had enabled him to travel the world. He shared pictures of food, locations he had traveled and yachts he had been employed on, encouraging the children to dream big, work hard and have fun!
We then had the privilege of having Mrs Vincent (Daniel's Mum) coming into class to talk to us about her role as a Police Officer. She shared and inspired the children with her passion for her job and reminded them that they can do anything that they set their minds to.
We had the privilege of having Mr Palmer (Theo's Dad) come into class recently to talk to us about his allotment. He captivated the children with his photographs, produce and passion for his hobby. It was also lovely to see Theo so heavily involved in this family project.
We have had some fantastic science experiments since September and these have ranged from the melting process of chocolate to the process of evaporation and condensation. We have focused on the change between solids, liquids and gases.
We voted for our school council this half term and we challenged our candidates to give a speech to the class about why we should vote for them. They were all brilliant and showed great perseverance and determination. Our winners were Harry Smith and Daisy Nisbet.
As part of our Ancient Egyptian topic, we have covered Mummification. We were thrilled to be able to practice this on each other. We had lots of fun and made lots of mess!
We have done some fantastic Ancient Egypt homework! We had to choose out of a list of tasks and we were able to be really creative, which we loved!
Our topic this term is Ancient Egypt and recently we had a visit from the Heritage Center. We did some fantastic activities, such as archaeological digs, painting scarab beetles and Egyptian bread making, which we then took home to bake. We had such a brilliant morning!
We have had a brilliant start to the year, kicked off by a visit from the BFG!! He was able to help us write our Meeting Tale for our first English unit.
Before we broke up for the Christmas holidays, the children had the opportunity to go to Santa's Grotto. During this time, they played games, had hot chocolate, told Santa some of their best jokes and all came away with a present for being so good. Thank you so much to our PTFA for making this possible.