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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

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I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Oak Year 3+4

Welcome back Video!

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Oak Class 

We are a class of 15 year 3 and 14 year 4. We are taught by Miss Culverwell who is supported by the brilliant Mrs Holmes Monday-Thursday and Mrs Page on Friday. Follow our class page to see what exciting things we get up to this year! 

Recommended books for Year 3 and 4

Summer Term-

Welcome back everyone! The planning will now look slightly different than the daily plans previously used.  From now we will upload a weekly plan for you.  The resources and links can be found on TEAMS in the Summer folder.  Enjoy your learning and stay safe everyone.

Year 4 Planning Week Beginning 22.06.2020

Year 4 Planning Week beginning 15.06.2020

Year 4 Planning Week beginning 08.06.2020

Year 3 Planning Week beginning 22.06.2020

Year 3 Planning Week Beginning 15.06.2020

Year 3 Planning Week beginning 08.06.2020

Year 4 planning week beginning 1.6.2020

Year 3 planning week beginning 01.06.2020

Year 4 Plannning Timetable Week commencing 18.5.2020

Year 3 Plan Week Beginning 18/5/20

Year 4 Planning Week Beginning 11/5/20

Year 3 Plan Week Beginning 11/5/20

Year 4 Plan Week beginning 4.5.20

Year 3 Plan Week Beginning 4/5/20

Year 4 Plan Week Beginning 27/4/20

Year 3 Plan Week Beginning 27/4/20

Year 4 Planning Week Beginning 20/4/20

Year 3 Plan Week Beginning 20/4/20

Year 3 and 4 Daily Plan - Friday 3rd April - Values Day

Year 4 Daily Plan Monday 30th March - Thursday 2nd April

Year 4 Daily Plan - 27/3/20

Year 4 Daily Plan- 26/3/2020

Year 4 Daily Plan - 25/3/20

Year 4 daily plan 24/3/20

Year 4 - Daily plan for 23/3/20

Year 3 - Daily plan for week beginning 23/3/20

Brilliant Japan homework Erika! Well done!

Celebration Assembly Certificates 16.3.20

Sports Relief - Visit from Gymnast Isabel Haigh 12.3.20


Today we had a whole school assembly delivered to us by school nurses on how to properly wash our hands. We then went back to class and practised using the techniques we were told about to prevent germs spreading and to keep healthy! 


Olly and Ethan's Japanese Topic Homework - Fantastic work boys!

Celebration Assembly Certificates 6/3/20

Diwali dance workshop lead by Mrs Goodwin 5/11/19

Today Oak Class had a 'wow' start to their new English topic... instructions! 

They followed a set of instructions to make their very own dream catchers. Miss Culverwell was very impressed with their fantastic listening skills. 



Topic - making a World War Two recipe!

Bath & Wells MAT

