Our curriculum intent:
Our school curriculum provides our pupils with a sense of belonging.
We create a sense of belonging to our school.
We develop a sense of belonging to our local community.
We discover a sense of belonging to the wider world.
This links to our school mission statement ‘One Family Together We Shine’ which is underpinned by the scripture of ‘The Lost Sheep’ (John 1:1).
Our History intent:
Our curriculum intent is to inspire children's curiosity to discover more about the past. Our history education will help children to gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of where we are, our local community and the wider worlds' past. Through the teaching of History, our children will make links between our past and how we live today, giving them a sense of belonging in our community and the wider world.
This will be achieved through creative, engaging and challenging lessons threaded throughout the curriculum. We make links to our History topics through subjects such as English, Computing and Art.