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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Event Gallery Archive 2022-2023

We raised £1888 at our school summer fair!

Book Week has kicked off with Dress as a Word Day - lots of exciting new vocabulary wondered around the school today!

Dress as a book character day! 30/3/23

Mental Health Week February 2023

Year 2 children has a visit from Simon from the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service where they learnt about safety.

The Bug Man came and visited EYFS and Y1

A well deserved Deputy Headteacher Award Layla -May!

KS2 Christmas Carols on the playground. 

Pictures of the Service Premium Morning! SP children from St Andrews, St John & St Francis and St Andrews joined our SP pupils and they decorated biscuits and made memory jars.

The Bug Man visit to Y1

CVL Y5/6 Dodgeball

Funky Hair Friday - PTFA fundraiser

CVL Y3/4 team

Isle of Wight Y6 Residential - September 2022

Bath & Wells MAT

