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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Welcome to Maple Class


Maple Class is a year 5/6 class, made up of 31 children. Our class teacher is Miss Webber and our teaching assistant is Mrs Page. 


Keep an eye on our page to see what we get up to over the coming year!

6.7.23 - Wellbeing day!

5.7.23 - Year 5 trip to French Weir

14.6.23 - Making clay pots, inspired by Ancient Greece.

7.6.23 - Year 5 RNLI visit and water safety talk!

25.5.23 - Compliment circle in Maple class.

22.5.23 - Premier Sport with Maple Class!

17.5.23 - Wellbeing day, focussing on resilience!

15.5.23 - Ice-cream to celebrate the Coronation!

15.5.23 - Coronation celebrations in Maple Class!

9.5.23 - Baking Elizabethan Lemon Cakes!

21.4.23 - Autism awareness - Wearing colourful accessories.

30.3.23 - Dress as a book character day!

27.3.23 - Dress as an adjective day!

21.3.23 - Ethos day, focussing on the Easter story and our value of forgiveness.

8.2.23 - Wellbeing Day!

31.1.23 - Using copy and paste to create vector drawings.

WB - 23.1.23 - Year 5 Bikeability!

24.1.23 - Using Google draw to design houses.

16.1.23 - Looking at a range of different mythical creatures and picking out the key features ahead of our new writing topic!

16.12.22 - Making light-up Christmas cards!

29.11.22 - Ethos day in Maple Class, doing activities based on the Good Shepherd!

28.11.22 - Exploring how different surfaces create more/less friction and slow down moving objects in science.

21.11.22 - Using Newton Meters in Science!

14.11.22 - Maple & Willow - Microbit Computing Lesson

9.11.22 - Performing our poems in English.

7.11.22 - Testing parachutes in science. We tested different materials and sizes to see which parachute would fall the slowest.

Funky hair day in Maple class!

06.10.22 - Using Atlases in Geography.

29.9.22 - Looking at what Christians believe about God.

26.9.22 - Looking at persuasive leaflets.

Bath & Wells MAT

