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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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The Full Governing Board (FGB) of Norton Fitzwarren Church School is structured as follows:-

6 MAT appointed Governors

2 Staff appointed Governors

2 Parent appointed Governors

2 Foundation MAT Governors.


What do the Governors do at

Norton Fitzwarren?

The governors act as a "critical friend" to the school, monitoring and overseeing the smooth running of the school and supporting and

listening to staff and parents. The Local Governing Board is responsible for the overall management of the school and for determining

its aims, objectives and policies in accordance with all the relevant legislation. The head manages the school from day to day and is

the Local Governing Board’s principal professional adviser who assists it with the formulation and implementation of its aims, objectives,

policies and plans.

School governors help schools provide the best possible education for their pupils:

  • thinking and working strategically to help raise standards;
  • monitoring and evaluating progress towards the school's priorities and targets;
  • supporting the head and staff as well as challenging their expectations;
  • accounting to all stakeholders for the school's overall performance and for the decisions they have made.


Click here to take you to the MAT website where  governance has its own  tab. Here you will find the structure of our Multi Academy Trust board of Trustees and who they are. It contains our scheme of delegation, annual accounts and the current memorandum of association and articles of association.


How are the Governors organised at Norton Fitzwarren?

As a Local Governing Board we meet at least once each term. We also have two committees with specific responsibilities.
These committees meet additionally to the Local Governing Board. Our current committees are:

 Finance, Personnel and Premise :

  • Responsible for determining the yearly budget and expenditure,
  • Responsible for staffing issues and relevant policies,  including pay, appointments and performance
  •  Responsible  for the occupation, use and the upkeep of the school premises. This includes risk assessments and regular health and safety reviews 


Ethos: responsible for monitoring  our church school distinctiveness, collective Worship and SIAMs toolkit.

Bath & Wells MAT

