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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

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I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Birch Year 3

Welcome back video

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Welcome to Birch Class.

We have 28 year 3 children led by Miss Ayres and supported by Mr Nelson.

Miss Millwood covers in Birch Class on a Thursday. 

Recommended books for Year 3

Year 3 Planning for week 22.6.2020

Year 3 planning 15.6.2020

Year 3 planning Week beginning 08.06.2020

Year 3 planning week commencing 01.06.2020

Year 3 Plan Week Beginning 18/5/20

Year 3 Plan Week Beginning 11/5/20

Year 3 Plan Week Beginning 4/5/20

Year 3 Plan Week Beginning 27/4/20

Year 3 Plan Week Beginning Monday 20th April

Year 3 Daily Plan Friday 3rd April - Values Day

Year 3 - Daily plan for week beginning 23/3/20

Birch Class Stars

Sports Relief - visit from GB gymnast Isabel Haigh (12/03/20)
This week for Sport Relief we have had Southampton Football coaches at our school teaching us football skills. We absolutely loved dribbling and the games that we played with them. 
In Birch Class, for topic our country is New Zealand. We were lucky enough to receive a parcel of goodies from a child’s family friend who lives in New Zealand, it was very exciting to receive these things! 

Birch Class Stars

Birch Class Stars

Birch Class Stars

Birch Class Stars

World War 2 Evacuee Day.

The children had a fantastic time on the steam train and looked brilliant in their evacuee costumes.

Science Days.

The year 3 children from Birch and Oak joined together to learn about Plants. The children enjoyed making predictions and carrying out experiments. 

Funky hair Friday.

The children made a fantastic effort to make their hair look super funky! 

Bath & Wells MAT

