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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Forest School

Welcome to Forest School!  Please visit this page to see copies of letters that have been sent out, dates and photos of what we have been up to.
Forest School sessions will restart after Easter on Wednesday 11th April 2018.  A letter and full set of dates for the Summer term will be sent out in the first week back.

"A mast for a flag"

Stickman got used as a mast for a flag.  We made flags which told other people something special about us.  We were very proud of our flags!

Stick Man

Today we listened to the Stick Man story and made our very own Stick men, women, children and animals!

Fire safety - 6th December 2017


During this session the children were shown how to safely light and extinguish a candle using a match. This activity was done one-to-one with an adult. The purpose of the activity was to:

  • help develop resilience, as many children find this action quite hard to master
  • help develop listening skills and following multi-part instructions, and
  • give children an understanding of the safety measures needed around matches, candles and fire.


The activity is a precursor to using a fire steel.

We used leaves creatively to make pictures and crowns!

We played stick games!

When we were playing with our sticks we had to work together as a team and talk to each other to have fun.  We had also selected our sticks independently using three different measurement criteria.

Bath & Wells MAT

