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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Our Home School Agreement

Norton Fitzwarren Church School



“One family, together we shine”



Home School Agreement

2024 -2025




This is the agreement which sets out that the education of the children is a partnership. It links the learning that happens at school with the on-going learning of life that takes place at home before starting school and thereafter.


John 10:11  ‘I am the good shepherd’


    Your child’s part of the agreement:

    As a pupil of our school we make sure our behaviour reflects the school values:


    Compassion - We are happy and safe at school.

    Respect - We are polite and listen well.

    Generosity - We share fairly.

    Friendship - We are kind and caring.

    Perseverance - We work hard as everyone has the right to learn.

    Forgiveness - We are honest. We can say sorry and mean it.


    I will also do my best to be a good learner by:

    • Being prepared for school with all the necessary equipment, the correct uniform and PE kit.
    • Being conscientious with homework and reading regularly in order to improve.
    • Being confident and motivated to challenge myself.
    • Persevering when learning is challenging.
    • Being able to work with others as well as by myself.
    • Understanding that I am responsible for my own learning by finding ways to help myself before I rely on help from adults or friend.
    • Engage in remote learning when my learning is not in the school setting.
    • Remember that remote learning behaviours are the same as when we are in school. 

    Our School’s commitment to the agreement:



    Treat your child fairly, care for him/her and ensure his/her happiness and safety.


    Ensure that your child is well taught and that he/she achieves his/her best in all aspects of school life as every child has the right to learn. Inform you at regular meetings about your child’s progress.


    Help your child to develop a sense of responsibility and to be considerate and respectful of others.


    Welcoming at all times and offer you opportunities to become involved in the daily life of the school.


    Our behaviour policy is based on learning from mistakes and making a fresh start.  We will let you know about concerns or problems that affect your child’s work or behaviour.


    Give time to respond to your concerns and questions as promptly as possible.

    Provide a range of subjects and after-school activities to meet your child’s individual needs and interests.



    Your agreement as parents/carers:


    • Make sure our children arrive on time and are collected from school on time.
    • Ensure that my child is responsible for their own belongings and that they arrive fully prepared for all aspects of school life.
    • Let the school know about anything which might affect my child’s work, behaviour or attendance.
    • Support my child with home learning activities.
    • Encourage my child to read and hear him/her read on a regular basis.
    • Encourage my child to join in with after-school activities which interest him/her.
    • Support school policies and rules.
    • Ensure my child wears the school uniform and takes pride in looking smart.
    • Read letters sent home from school and support my child by attending parent’s evening.
    • Ensure that unnecessary time is not taken off in term time.
    • Ensure your child engages in remote learning when my learning is not in the school setting
    • Promote the same  learning behaviours when working remotely. 
    Bath & Wells MAT

