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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Curriculum Intent

Our Curriculum Intent Statement is underpinned by The Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust Curriculum Intent and simply sets out the principles of our curriculum.

The curriculum is intended to enable pupils to: 

  • Enjoy learning and understand the importance of this for their growth and development. 

  • Understand and apply Christian values that enhance the experience and development of themselves and others. 

  • Demonstrate positive behaviour that reflects the core Christian values of the Trust and our school values.

  • Have a sense of belonging to their community.  

  • Be confident, ambitious, aspirational, self-evaluative learners who are engaged, excited and empowered by their learning experiences. 

  • Have a sense of pride in who they are, where they live and the school they attend. 

  • Build a personal toolkit over time, to help them look after their own wellbeing and understand how to seek support if this is comprised; through a THRIVE and whole-school approach to PSHE.
  • Make a positive contribution to their community and wider society- for example:  through attendance at community Remembrance events, learning about and donating food to the local food bank and taking part in a volunteering project to plant trees within our community. 

  • Be well prepared for life in modern Britain by participating in democratic votes for school council elections, The Mini Police initiative and worship focused on our Christian values including those led by visiting clergy to build tolerance and respect of those with different faiths and none. 

  • Make good progress across the curriculum appropriate to their prior attainment through access to appropriately differentiated learning opportunities and pre and post teaching sessions across the school day. 

  • Experience equality of opportunity, addressing any gaps in their knowledge, skills and understanding, to diminish social or mobility disadvantage. This is supported through our curriculum, which ensures equality of access for all pupils to cultural opportunities and knowledge which may not otherwise be accessed or missed. 

  • Achieve well in external assessment against National benchmarks at the end of each key stage. 

  • Achieve at least age-related expectations across the curriculum including in reading, writing and mathematics unless pupils’ disabilities or learning needs mean that this is not possible.   These include fostering a love of reading to  improve reading and comprehension skills and developing children’s fluency in times table facts and number bonds to underpin improved calculation and problem - solving skills. 

  • The school plans to broaden children’s aspirations for their future through visits to and from further education, Careers and Aspiration Weeks and inviting members of the local and wider community (including past pupils) to speak with pupils about their jobs and education. 

Bath & Wells MAT

