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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Welcome to Sycamore Class

We a mixed class of 22 Y6 pupils and 11 Y5 pupils.


We work closely with Willow Class in the Annex building.  Our class teacher is Miss Millwood. Mrs Goodwin, Mrs Hinchliffe and Mrs Thomas all support the pupils in both classes.

Vivary High Ropes/Minehead Beach - 12.7.21 & 14.7.21

Macbeth - Y6 Leavers Production July 2021

World Maths Day 5.5.21

Victorian Day 23.04.21

Mental Health Week 3.2.21


The children in school were lucky to take part in a mental health webinar for Mental Health Week. The webinar was lead by Nick Morgan, who is a youth mental health supporter. The children really enjoyed the session and took part in quizzes as well as other fun activities! 


Topic - Rivers  28/1/21


Our Topic this term is 'Rivers'. The children in school have been drawing the structure of a river and have painted their own pointillist river inspired pictures.

Values Day Autumn B Advent

Using our new bubble playtime equipment.We love it!

Values Day Art Harvest

Black History Month

Certificate winners this week! 16/10/2020

Certificate winners this week! 09/10/2020

Our topic is archaeology and discoveries. We used precision, patience and perseverance to excavate chocolate chips from a cookie.

Look at Millie’s impressive homework about the Bronze Age Hill Fort in our village

A creative challenge: using only a scissors and a piece of card, can you create a sculpture and name it? We used resilience, creativity and imagination!

Bath & Wells MAT

