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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Welcome to Birch class.  Birch class is made up of 30 Year 2 and 3 children.  The teachers are Mrs Bewes & Mrs Jones and the teaching assistant is Mrs Desave.

Sports Day- Thursday 15th July 2021

Not quite the same as having the parents there to support them but we had a great afternoon with the sun shining.

Polish Day- 5th July 2021

Monday 14th June 2021.


Birch class have enjoyed learning their new text today 'Kassim and the Greedy Pirate's Treasure.'  We were lucky to use the stage outside in the sunshine to do some drama to help us remember it!

Wednesday 12th May 2021.

Birch class were very excited to meet Reverend Paul and take part in a collective worship in the Forest school. 

7th May 2021

Birch class have really enjoyed learning about shape this week.  We have performed a poem to help us learn about 2d and 3D shape.

Shape Poem

Still image for this video

5th May 2021

Birch class have had such a good day today for Maths day, looking at shape.  We have been on a shape hunt, made 2d shapes with spaghetti and marshmallows and created some art inspired by Kandinsky's Concentric circles.

Birch class enjoyed working together to use drama to retell our new text Eliot Midnight Superhero!

Birch class really enjoyed the sunshine this week for our PE lesson. We were practising our throwing and catching skills!

Values Day: Forgiveness and Easter

This week we enjoyed making Worry dolls to help share our worries.

Children in Birch loved doing some art work for this week’s Well Being Wednesday 10th February 
We have made our own shoe box habitats this week in Science week .

To celebrate Advent BIrch class made an Advent wreath for the local nursing home 🎄

Stars of the week 18/12/2020

The children loved panto... oh yes they did!!

Stars of Week 11.12.2020

We're Going On A Tree Hunt

Certificate winners this week! 16/10/2020

Making Ancient Egyptian Necklaces

Certificate winners this week! 09/10/2020

Certificate Winners 2nd October 2020

Certifictate winners 25th September 2020

Certificate Winners 18.9.2020

Bath & Wells MAT

