Welcome to Sycamore Class Page.
We are a Y5/6 class of 30 pupils
led by Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Holmes
Welcome to the Summer Term! It is hard to believe that we are into our final term of this academic year. This is very important term of our Y6 pupils as they prepare to move onto secondary school. Hopefully this will be a term full of sunshine and smiles!
We are scientists!
Look at the fun we have had experimenting and investigating this week.

Book Week 18/4/16
Our Heritage Centre visit to look at old books, how books were first printed, famous author's signatures and important books belonging to our village.

Our Danceathon for Sport Relief

Making pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. Yum! Yum!

Big Bird Watch for Schools
We mostly saw blackbirds, crows, seagulls and a friendly robin!

Wow Day entry point to our topic- What's Out There?
We found a mysterious object on the school grounds. Is it from a UFO?
We debated the existence of aliens and recreated the solar system in play dough.

Having fun playing Christmas party games!

Our Carnival Project Homework.

We have started a new RE unit on Faith Through The Arts. Can you guess what emotion we are conveying?

We had special visitors in school!