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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

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I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Maths at Norton Fitzwarren Church School


Our aim is for our children to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding of fluency, reasoning and problem solving. We want our children to enjoy Mathematics and explore with confidence. To achieve this, we follow the White Rose long-term overviews and schemes of work. Teachers, in addition to this, will supplement White Rose with other teaching material such as NCETM, Maths Shed to suit the needs of the children in their class.

Doodle Maths

We are excited to be using Doodle Maths! Your child just needs to Doodle everyday for 10 minutes to get themselves into their 'green zone'. Watch out for the class teacher's 'Extras' which will consolidate the learning the children have been doing in class.

The links below will help you and your child get set up.


Downloading the apps:

DoodleMaths & DoodleTables

DoodleEnglish & DoodleSpell 

(please note the Spell doesn't work on PCs/laptops, only the browser version does, as it uses text-to-speech)

There are also browser versions available for each: 

Maths Stem Sentences

Year 4 children took part in a times table world cup run by Emile against other schools. It helped them practice their times tables ready for the Multiplication Tables Check.

Doodle Relaunch Day

Bath & Wells MAT

