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I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Summer B Newsletter and Homework Project

Summer A Newsletter and Homework Project

Pirates Wow Day!!


We had a fantastic day taking part in pirate activities to launch our new topic ‘Pirates of the Deep’. We learned to talk in pirate speak, ate pirate grub, sang real pirate shanties and even walked the plank! Children enjoyed learning to tie knots and meeting a real life pirate (and he wasn’t even scary!!). The day was a super start to our topic and we have lots more exciting learning opportunities to come.

Persuasive Letter Writing


 We have started our new Literacy unit linked to our topic on Pirates. We were introduced to Bart Roberts and Captain Davis who made some of us walk the plank!! Bart shared his persuasive letter with us. He was applying to work for Captain Davis as First Mate aboard the Royal Rover.



Maple Class are shining lights!


In a design and technology project we used our knowledge of circuits and switches to make a working torch. Maple Class are very proud of the end products. Team work and problem solving skills were put to the test!


We have been researching inventors for our half term homework project. Kira found out about Alexander Graham Bell and Leah taught Maple Class  the Semaphore flag signalling system.


Do you like our Mothering Sunday cards?

Experimenting with hoop gliders

Maple class have been exploring flight as part of our topic on Inventors and Inventions. Lawrence Hargraves invented the hoop glider while experimenting with box kites. Mrs Jones challenged us to adjust the space between the two circular wings to see who's glider would travel the furthest.  Reuben and Lucy won the challenge!!!
Literacy WOW - Explantation Text

For our Literacy WOW we had a very grumpy supply teacher called Mrs Smitherman!! Fortunately, Mrs Callun's husband arrived with his fabulous new invention:


The 'Teacher Pleaser' Machine!!              


To help us learn how to write an explanation text, Mr Callun explained how to use the machine.


Luckily it worked!!



Spring B Curriculum Newsletter

This half term's homework project is:

Homework Project.


This half term’s project is to prepare a presentation about a famous inventor [ your choice!]

Presentations will be shared with the class and should be approximately 5 minutes long. They can be a power point or reading out your research. How you present it is up to you anything goes!




Due in Friday 28th March.

Year 4 Sports Festival
Year 4 had a brilliant time at Blackbrook Sports Centre for the Sports Festival! All children took part in some great activities based on indoor athletics. Well done year 4!!
Spring A Homework Projects
Here's some pictures of our fabulous inventions!!

Look at our fantastic Tudor Portraits...

Bath & Wells MAT

