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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

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I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Ash and Holly YR

Welcome to Reception - Ash and Holly Classes smiley

We are two classes of reception children. Ash class teacher is Miss Bartholomew and Holly Class teachers are Mrs Morton and Mrs Lane.  We are all supported by Mrs Selby, Mrs Parker, Mrs Grabham and Mrs Prowse. We work very closely together in our two classrooms and outside area.   

Home Learning Resources


Here are links to the home learning resources we have given out at parent meetings so far this year.

Here is our Spring B Newsletter to let you know information about this term.

We have been practising rolling and jumping in PE.

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Here are some videos to show you. Carefully have a go if you have some room to roll or jump safely.

Potato, potato, chip!

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Log rolling

Still image for this video

12.3.20 Sport Relief - Today we had a brilliant time doing some warm up gymnastic activities and watching and listening to Isabelle Haigh the inspiring world famous Gymnast.

11.3.20- Sport Relief- Football with the All Saints Coaches - We practised tick tocking the ball (dribbling) and we played some games!

Spring- Funky Fingers - The children have been doing lots of strengthening exercises and activities to help with their fine motor skills, their pencil grips and their pencil control.

Autumn and Spring RE


Miss Bartholomew has been teaching us our RE. We have been learning some stories about Jesus and some stories that Jesus told people. We have been learning about these stories through Godly Play. Godly Play is done through figures and props to help children to learn and understand the stories. 

The Stories that we have learnt so far are: 

The Creation Story, The Lost Coin, The Paralysed Man, The Wall That Fell Down and The Baptism of Jesus. 

We have enjoyed retelling these stories in our independent learning. 

Langford Lakes- November 2019


Ash and Holly have been on a fantastic trip to Langford Lakes. We got to walk around the Christmas tree farm and we spotted 'tall' and 'small' trees. We learnt about the different wildlife that live on the farm and the different types of trees that were there. After our walk, we watched a tree going through the net! The tree was very long and very heavy. Then, we got to go through a snow machine, it was so much fun. We had a great time. 


Bath & Wells MAT

