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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Daily routines

Please note that this is just an example of our daily routine.


Doors open 8.40-With your assistance your child will need to put their lunch box, snack and water bottle in the correct baskets on the blue trolley. Once inside their coat and bags need to be hung on their peg and their communication book (taken out of their school bag) will need to be placed in the blue tray in the pre-school classroom. The child then finds their name label and posts it in the name box. Please feel free to see any member of staff if you would like to pass on any important news or to ask any questions. Child then choose and activity within the preschool.

9.15-Group carpet time, who is here today? what day is it? whats the weather today? followed by short story or game.

9.30 – Free-flow choice of activities both inside and outside. The door to our garden is opened for children to come in and out as they want to.

9.30-10.30- Snack Café time. In small groups, children join an adult for a drink, snack and a chat! This happens during the free-flow activities. Children are chosen to come to café, and then return to their play.

11.00- Nappy changes/toileting.

11.25-tidy up time

11.30- Singing/story/game

11.45 - Doors open for home time, or Lunch time for children staying for lunch.
11.45-12.30 - Lunch time. Children sit at the tables to eat their packed lunch.
They have a choice of activities to do with their friends once they have finished eating.


12.15- Children come in, hang their coats up, and choose an activity in the Nursery.
1.00- tidy up time and Group carpet time, signing and games.

1.15- Free-flow choice of activities, both inside and outside. The door to our garden is opened for children to come in and out as they want to.

1.30-2.30-Snack Café time. In small groups, children join an adult for a drink, snack and a chat! This happens during the free-flow activities. Children are chosen to come to café, and then return to their play.

2.35- Nappy changes/toileting

3.00-tidy up time

3.15- Doors open to go home, singing/story whilst children are collected.


All of our children's nappies are also checked regularly throughout the day and changed whenever needed, not just at the the allocated times.

Bath & Wells MAT

