School Lunches
School Lunches
At our school children have the choice of bringing their own packed lunch or to have a meal provided. The children eat in two sittings in the main hall, it is regarded as a social time and the children sit with their friends regardless of what they are eating.
Children having a school meal are offered a choice of a hot meal or cold salad option, together with dessert, supplied by Edward and Ward. Menus are sent out each half term and need to be returned to school by the deadline specified on the form. Meals can be ordered in a weekly block or for individual days as required, in advance. Children entitled to a free school meal still need to return the completed menu by the deadline.
Please notify the School Office by 9.15am in order to cancel meals with the catering company if your child will be absent from school, in order that a refund can be given.
Free school meals are available to children whose parents are financially eligible, i.e., in receipt of income support and / or job seekers allowance, child tax credit. Please contact the School Office for further details.