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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

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I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Ash and Holly

Welcome to Ash and Holly Class!


In Ash (Reception) and Holly (Reception and Year 1)we work together and play together across two classrooms and an outside area. 


Miss Bartholomew is the class teacher in Ash Class and Mrs Morton (Monday-Wednesday) and Mrs Lane (Thursday and Friday) are the class teachers in Holly Class. 

Mrs Selby, Mrs Prowse, Mrs Sweet and Mrs Parker (Mon-Thurs) are the teaching assistants that work across both classes. 


We made Mr Potato Heads for our funky fingers this week. The children were asked to chop vegetables and decide which to use to make their potato face, then attach these using cocktail sticks.

Values Day: Easter and Forgiveness. Today we listened to the Easter story and spoke about the importance of the cross. We made cross silhouette pictures and talked about how the Easter story links with forgiveness too. We talked about when we have had to forgive and apologising.

In Gymnastics we have been concentrating on different shapes: straight, tuck and star shapes.

Nativity  December 2020

Ash and Holly Class had lots of fun learning the Christmas Story. We learnt lots of Christmas songs and dressed up in the costumes. Unfortunately we couldn't perform it to parents this year but we still have lots of fun and put our photos and songs on Tapestry. 

Mark Making 

At school we really encourage children to enjoy and share their mark making skills. Their skills will develop over their time in reception often going from squiggles and shapes towards letters and words. We enjoy seeing all different mark making from the children and we make sure we praise all writing to help develop children's skills towards being independent writers.

As children learn some of the new sounds in phonics, we often see them start to explore with these during their learning too.

Here is some of the lovely mark making we have been seeing in school. If you children does some writing at home please share it with us on Tapestry. 

Team Work! 

In Ash and Holly Class we focus a lot on working together, sharing, listening to each others ideas and building relationships. These are key skills that will help the children as they progress through school and in later life. We set the children lots of activities and challenges in school were they have to work with a partner. These are always something different and is great to see the children learning with their friends. 


We love the Numberblocks in Ash and Holly Class. Lots of our maths learning is based around the Numberblocks. Numberblocks explains lots of different maths concepts in child friendly ways. Our teachers have shared with you the different learning that we are doing at the Parent Workshops so that you can help us at home too. 

We often have the Numberblocks out during out independent learning time so that we can explore with them and develop our mathematical skills and knowledge. 

Funky Fingers 

Every week Ash and Holly take part in a 'Funky Fingers' session. The children are split into groups to take part in different activities that focus on strengthening their arms, wrists and fingers to support them with holding a pencil and letter formation. 

Ask your child what activity they did in Funky Fingers this week. It would be great if you could practise at home with them too smiley

Our certificate winners this week!

Certificate winners this week!

Bath & Wells MAT

