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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Welcome to Willow Class


We are a class of 32 year 4/5 children. Our teacher is Miss Culverwell and our teaching assistants are Miss Dietz and Miss Govier. 

Please keep an eye out on our class page to see what exciting things we get up to this year! 


Monday 19th June - Art - Rubbings using wax crayons

7/6/23 - Year 5 RNLI visit and water safety talk!

5/6/23 - Art - Practicing our art skills to make Ancient Greek vases

On Tuesday, some of our Year 4s played cricket at Somerset County Ground whilst other children enjoyed a sports tournament at school!

Wednesday 19th April - Learning our new class text 'Kassim and the Greedy Pirate' in English

24/3/23 - Art - Impressionist Artwork Inspired by Monet

10.3.23 - I can identify the input and output devices used to record and play sound.

Willow Class enjoying the snow! 8/3/23

Monday 6th February - In Science, we are learning about states of matter and we created our own water cycle!

WB - 23.1.23 - Year 5 Bikeability!

Tuesday 24th January - Art - Impressionism - Claude Monet

Monday 9th January - Science - Today the children in year 4 were learning about states of matter and the particle properties of each state.

Christmas party!

Monday 5th December - Year 4 Science - Investigating pitch and volume

Tuesday 29th November - Ethos Day

Monday 21st November - The Year 4's have been competing in a times table world cup!

Friday 18th November 2022 - Children In Need!

Monday 14th November - Willow & Maple Microbit Computing Lesson

Funky Hair Day - Friday 4th November 2022

Friday 21st October - Wellbeing Day - Peg Worry Monsters!

Wednesday 28th September - Today we were learning and performing our new class text 'Around the World in 80 Days'.

Monday 26th September - WOW English day. Today we 'travelled' to lots of different countries and carried out different activities.

Tuesday 20th September - Science Week - Animals Including Humans - Making Clay Teeth!

Bath & Wells MAT

