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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

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I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Welcome to our Holly Class page! 


Medieval Activity Morning

Holly and Ash class were surprised by a visit from some queens and princesses! They had come to do some fun activities with the children. They took part in jousting practise, tackled a dragon on their horses, and did some lovely ring dancing! We then had a snack 'banquet' of potions and dragon's toes! It was a very fun and exciting morning. 

Road Safety Day

We had so much fun on Road Safety Day. We learnt about how important it is to be seen to stay safe and everyone was given their own bright reflective hat. We looked at a real police van, and they locked Mrs Lewis in the cage at the back! We even had a go at driving our own cars! Everyone had a fantastic and exciting day. 

World Book Day

Fantastic outfits for World Book Day!

Spring B - Curriculum Newsletter

Chinese New Year

We have had fun learning about Chinese New Year. We have been tasting different Chinese food, and have had a great time making our own dragon dance!

Three Little Pigs

Our 'Talk for Writing' story this half-term has been the Three Little Pigs. We have enjoyed retelling the story using the story map, and learning in our new role-play construction site. The children were very enthusiastic when sharing their key task houses with Ash Class.


As it gets colder outside we have been learning about Winter. We have been exploring how to make ice and discussing all the things we can do to keep warm. 

The Jolly Postman

The Jolly Post-lady came to visit us in Holly Class. She told us all about her job. We have really enjoyed learning in our role-play post office. 

Spring A - Curriculum Newsletter


What a fantastic Nativity performance of Whoops-a-Daisy Angel! The children all worked so hard practising their lines and the songs. As well as this, we have followed on a Holly Class interest in Frozen and have been making our own snowmen!

The Gingerbread Man

We have had a great time learning about The Gingerbread Man. He sent us on a hunt around the school, and we found him resting in our classroom! We have had fun making our own gingerbread men and decorated them.

People Who Help Us

We've been learning about People Who Help Us. The children have had fun exploring different uniforms, planning our Doctor's Surgery, and acting as 'doctor' to make their friends feel better. A nurse came to visit us and told us all about her job. She brought lots of different things for us to look at, and even put a plaster cast on Mrs Evans arm!

Autumn B - Curriculum Newsletter

Farmer Duck

We looked at the story of Farmer Duck. We used the story map to retell the story, and also enjoyed being the characters to act it out. 

Each Peach Pear Plum

We have been looking at the story Each Peach Pear Plum. We met some of the characters from the story. They took us on a walk around the school where we found a picnic! We have had fun retelling the story, tasting peach, pear and plum, and making our own plum pies!

Autumn A - Curriculum Newsletter
Bath & Wells MAT

