Behaviour at Norton
We believe in the traditional values at Norton of courtesy and consideration for all – staff and pupils alike. We have few rules and regulations but expect good behaviour at all times.
Our guidelines are linked to our Christian values:
Compassion - We are happy and safe at school.
Respect - We are polite and listen well.
Generosity - We share fairly.
Friendship - We are kind and caring.
Perseverance - We work hard as everyone has the right to learn.
Forgiveness - We are honest. We can say sorry and mean it.
Classes may have individual rules agreed regularly by the children and are rewarded in a variety of ways for particular acts of kindness or noticeable effort with their work. Rewards may be verbal or written praise, special mention to the Headteacher, stickers, team points and certificates. Rewards are collected into Celebrating Me books.
At all times the aim is to ensure our school continues to be a calm, safe and happy place to be.
When bad behaviour occurs there are sanctions applied which range from loss of privileges in the classroom situation [such as missing part of a playtime], moving on to Headteacher involvement, then to parental discussions with staff and finally the ultimate one of fixed term or permanent exclusion. We feel that it is crucial that staff and parents work together.