Norton as a Church School
'I am the good shepherd ' John 10:11 We believe that, like the good shepherd, every single one of us matters.
We are a community, who love each other like a family and shine in many different ways.
Norton Fitzwarren as a Church School
Norton is a church school that is part of the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust. The teaching staff are in sympathy with the Christian faith as expressed by the Church of England and we maintain close links with our local church, All Saints and with the Diocese of Bath and Wells.
As a church school, we are keen to promote a Christian ethos within our community and to give the children some insight into the spiritual dimension of life. Our school values are integral to everything we do in our school.
Close links with our village church - decorating for Easter following a Values Day
Religious Education and Collective Worship
RE is taught in all classes and follows the agreed syllabus as laid down by Somerset LA. This covers the main alternative religions of the world including Christianity. Should you wish to withdraw your child from RE you will need to inform the Headteacher in writing. Appropriate alternative arrangements will be made for your child.
The daily act of collective worship is consistent with the Church of England foundation of the school, but it is important that children gain information about major world religions. Themes are linked to the church year, our Christian values, special awareness days, charities we support and PSHE. We have a special Celebration Collective Worship on Fridays. Children attend in their Key Stages: all parents and grandparents are invited!
Due to Covid Celebration Collective Worship on site has been suspended. This takes place in class and can be accessed remotely.
Parents have a statutory right to withdraw their child from the daily act of collective worship. If you wish to discuss this, please contact the Headteacher in writing.