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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Forest School

There will be NO Forest School on:

- 11th May

- 25th May

- 20th July

Making a Green Man

We worked together, using soil and water to make a sticky mud mixture.  Then we made it into a 'patty' and stuck it on to a tree, before decorating it with natural materials to make a Green Man (or Green cat or dog!)


Traditionally, the Green Man was part of the celebration of May Day.  People thought he helped bring forth new growth.

We used sticks and wool to make spiders' webs

It was VERY cold this week.  We learnt ways to stay warm and keep happy even when our feet hurt!  And best of all, we warmed up really quickly when we went back inside.

We have been learning to work together - by playing games!

We had to safely transport some cool den building materials - thank you Mr Owen!

We worked together to make pictures from natural materials

We tried to find a good home for some animals

Bath & Wells MAT

