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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Welcome to Pine class page! We are a class of 30 children. Our class teacher is Miss Cunningham and our teaching assistant is Mrs Desave. 


Follow along with our journey through Year 2 here! smiley

PE - Sending and recieving 20.4.23

This week in PE we practiced our sending and recieving skills. The children had a fantastic go, and all were able to do it with control. Well done Pine class!


In PSHE this week (WB 17.4.23), we discussed things that make us different to and the same as people around us. In pairs, we compared ourselves. We also created our own pictures which highlighted something great about us, physically and in terms of our personalities. 

Science - 21.4.23

Today, we learned about things that are living, dead and have never been alive. Laila brought in a skull she had found at the beach, and shared it with the class.

Book day celebrations - Thursday 30th March 2023


Tuesday 28th February

Today we had a wonderful PE lesson. Pine class were using their ball skills to improve their coordination. 

Monday 27th March 

Today the children from Hazel and Pine class protested about saving the world. They have been learning about enviromentalists John Muir and Greta Thunberg. 

Monday 20th February 

Today we made dandelions using clay, cotton buds and pipe cleaners. We learnt all about seed dispersal. 

Geography - Tuesday 4th January

Today we looked at a collection of Atlas'. We explored the world, we then looked at the UK and then Norton Fitzwarren.

We're going on a bear hunt! We're going to catch a big one!

Wednesday 4th January 2022

We went on a bear hunt today! We were introduced to the story 'Five Bears'.


Christmas Jumper Day

Christmas Party 

Fire Safety Talk - December 2022

Reading our wonderful English aloud to the class! 

Funky hair Friday! Friday 3rd November 2022

The children enjoyed Funky hair Friday in Pine class. The PTA chose two winners. Well done to all of pine class for getting involved and raising money for our PTA!

Dragon egg! November 2022

We have had an egg appear in our classroom! We have found out, via CCTV, that it is a dragon egg! But our dragon egg has cracked and the baby dragon is nowhere to be seen! We have created lost posters for our baby dragon!

Geography - traffic survey - 13/10/22

Today we conducted a traffic survey in our village. We were surprised with how many cars we saw! 


PE - Tuesday 4th September

This week the children have really challenged themselves with their balancing skills. Our red challenge this week was a one leg squat - the children really relished this challenge and were all able to do atleast one! Well done Pine class!




We have been thinking about what makes a nice classroom this week. We all made a pledge to make sure we are contributing to our classroom in order to make it a happy and safe enviroment. 


Pine class have done some wonderful writing this week. They all worked very hard to remember their sounds in order to spell words, use captial letters and full stops, and also to include interesting adjectives. Well done Pine class!


Today we have looked at 'ariel photographs'. We then created our own ariel view of the school using natural resources that we found in a scavenger hunt. 

Book corner

Our book corner is loved by the children - today, some of the children who were challenging themselves during our maths and english lessons were chosen to have special time in the book corner. 


Science - exploring materials

We had a set of different items made out of different materials that we had to experiment with to see if they could squash, bend, twist or stretch. 

PE - 27.9.22

We enjoyed our PE session this week, the chilren really challenged themselves to ensure they were balancing during each static balance movement. 

Harvest festival - Church service

We had a wonderful church service this morning with Rev. Paul. We had lots of harvest donations!

Bath & Wells MAT

