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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Christian After School Club

Our after school Christian club takes place every Spring term.  If you would like your child to attend, please contact the school office. 

Inside Out Club is a Christian after school club, based around the bible and teachings of Jesus. It got it's name from 1 Samuel 16:7 which says 'Man looks at the outside, but God looks at the heart'... which is pretty 'Inside Out' thinking.


The aim of this club is to inspire enthusiasm and greater depth within Christianity. During this time, we focus on different stories and people from the bible, create our own worship and crafts and have fun playing lots of games.

During various times of the year, Inside Out Club look at how they can impact the community around them. Last Christmas, they decided to make over 80 handmade Christmas cards to be delivered to local Care Homes and we made boxes of homemade Christmas biscuits that were delivered to Open Door - A day centre for Taunton's homeless community. 

Inside Out Club have also led Mothers Day services at our Local Parish Church - All Saints - on a Sunday morning, as well as taking the lead during school services held at the church. These children are committed to sharing the good news of Jesus and are a real shining light in our School and community. They have led collective worship for their key stage as well as whole school, teaching new worship songs and actions to the other children. 



At the end of each school year we like to mark this special occasion and honour the children's commitment by encouraging them in their walk with Jesus. This last year, we did this by giving each child a daily devotional, relevant to their age and stage. These were kindly provided by All Saints Church, Norton Fitzwarren. 
Bath & Wells MAT

