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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Welcome to Oak Class.

We have 14 Year 3 children and 18 Year 4 led by Miss Ayres and supported by Mrs Page.

Welcome back Oak Class!

Oak Class Stars - have a super summer!

Science experiments

Oak class really enjoyed our ‘French’ day today. We enjoyed croissants and hot chocolate in our French cafe! We learnt a French song, played French games, make a sculpture of the Eiffel tour and flags and much more!

We have been sketching sunflowers from Van Gogh ‘Sunflowers’

Oak class enjoyed a Collective Worship with Rev Paul

Wellbeing Wednesday! Oak class had a super day enjoying a range of activities!

On Wednesday, we had a ‘Shape Day’. We made lots of different shapes and we went on a shape hunt around the school!

We have been learning about the artist Monet and how to mix watercolour paints.

Our Easter Artwork.

Scavenger hunt rounding up our learning of the Holy Week.

Oak class are really enjoying learning different songs on the ukulele.

We have been enjoying printing and making Mothering Sunday cards.

Some of our Christmas Decorations!

Pantomime Day!

For Values Day we made Christmas Cards for residents in local care homes and our Christmas wreath which is in the local doctor’s surgery!

Christmas activities - wreath making, Christmas decorations and cards, maths problems!

We solved lots of maths problems to find out which elf ate Mrs Claus’ Christmas cake!

Still image for this video

Christmas Jumper Day 11.12.20

Making Diwali Lanterns!

Certificate winners this week! 16/10/2020

We have been making an Ancient Egyptian Mummy and Necklaces!

Values day Generosity and Harvest

We are learning how to play the Ukulele!

Certificate winners this week! 09/10/2020

Bath & Wells MAT

