Acorns Preschool
Welcome to Acorns
"One family together we shine"
Acorns is registered to offer 24 places each day for children from the age of 3.
We are a term time only Pre school.
At Acorns the children are encouraged to explore our play based environment both indoors and outdoors. It is through play that children learn to make sense of their world and develop socially, physically, creatively and intellectually.
We provide a warm, friendly, stimulating environment where children thrive and are encouraged to reach their maximum potential. This allows the children to have a fun-filled learning journey, as well as helping them become ready for school.
Our Acorns Family
Mrs Stephens (Preschool Manager)
Mrs Walker,
Ms Naish, and Mrs Cox.
Our staff are highly qualified, passionate, and have many years of experience in childcare.
We continue to increase our knowledge.
The following session times available are:
8:45 - 15:15 (full day)
8:45 - 12pm (morning only)
12pm - 15:15 (with lunch, supplied by parents)
Early Years Entitlement
All 3 to 4 year old children in England can get 570 hours of free early education or childcare per year. A maximum of 15 hours free childcare per week for 38 weeks of the year.
If you are entitled to 30 hours free childcare, you will need to provide us with your Government code.
Entitlement starts from the term following the child's 3rd birthday.
Our hourly rate is £4.90
Policies and Procedures
We have enjoyed a science experiment, of making fireworks in a jar. We used 4 jars and placed the same ingredients in, though in different order. The Children used amazing language to describe what they saw and the conversation, lead into how every jar had the same thing inside, but was different! We are going to take another look after lunch and maybe shake up the jars!!

Acorns have been on their balance bikes today

Acorns have been on a number hunt!