Welcome to Birch class page! We are a class of 33 year 4 children.
Our class teacher is Miss Cunningham. Mrs Hinchcliffe teaches us French on Friday afternoons.
We are supported by Ms James and Ms Smalldon.
Our PE sessions are usually on a Wednesday.
Birch class raise money for food hub
Yesterday, after school, Birch class put on a stall to raise money for the Norton food hub as part of their Archbishop Young Leaders Award. Birch class made fruit kebabs/pots from fruit that was donated by Waitrose in Wellington and some of the parents. We also had a number of donations of bric-a-brac from the school community. A huge thank you to all of those who donated and also those of you who bought any of the items from the stall. Birch class have raised £118.80, which will be donated to the food hub.
Static balance - stance
Today, the children were focusing on their stance. They had to work on benches to show well they could remain balance. They also had a go at cone grabber. The children impressed Miss Cunningham with their determination not to let go of their cone, and so they sustained super balance! Well done Birch class.
On Monday 3rd June, Birch class came into school and saw a rather odd sight! All of their chairs were cordoned off and they were banned. Birch class spent the morning doing their learning sat on the floor and doing lots of discussion work.
There were mixed feelings about having no chairs. They then recieved access to their chairs in the afternoon, and then wrote a discussion text based on the question 'Should schools get rid of chairs?'
Dunster castle trip
On Wednesday 24th April, Year 4 children from Birch and Oak travelled to Dunster castle. We had a fantastic day full of tours and information about the castle. The children even had a go at using the 'battery ram' to try and barge their way through the castle invisible gate. The children were extremely well behaved, and had a great time.
Birch class Newsletter Summer A
Birch class Spring B Newsletter
Ukulele performance video - I am trying my best to get this uploaded ASAP.
Certificate winners this week - 9/2/2024
Scorpion handball
Wednesday 17.1.24
Today during our PE session, we were maintaining our balance whilst using other skills. We played a fantastic, fun game of scorpion handball. We also practiced our balancing on the floor and passing a ball behind our back. Well done Birch class - a fantastic PE session today!
Sending and recieving - PE inSpring A
The children are focusing on their sending and recieving skills within our PE sessions this half term. They have set a PB of passing a tennis ball with their PE partner. They are looking to improve this PB. We had a great first PE session back, and played lots of different games using our sending and recieving skills.
Birch class have been extremely busy during autumn term learning how to play the Ukelele with Mr Clarke, our music teacher. The school were very fortunate to hear a snippet of their learning at the end of autumn term, when they performed to the whole school on the playground. They have 1 half term left of learning Ukelele during Spring A, and they are currently learning to play ‘Johnny B. Goode’ by Chuck Berry.
We have made a discovery!
On the first week back to school after christmas, we found something in the garden area. It was a treasure chest! Who had buried it here? Who did it belong to? What should we do with it?
Science experiment - The water cycle
The children have been learning about the water cycle. They have created their own mini versions of the water cycle which they can observe over the next week. They have also been learning about how the water cycle works through a dance/singing video, which you can find here -
Birch class Christmas Party
Birch class newsletters
Autumn A -
Autumn B -
Tuesday 21st November
In our art lessons, we are learning to experiment with showing line, tone and texture with different hardness of pencils. Today, the children chose a dry leaf from outside and cut it in half. They then drew the other half of the leaf, concentrating on the detail in the leaf. They used different pencils to show the different lines.