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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Welcome to Birch Class. We are a mixed Year 4/5 class.

On a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday our teacher is Mrs Williams.

On a Thursday and Friday our teacher is Mrs Hardwick.

Mrs DeSave supports across Birch and Oak classes. 

Birch class visited the church today for our Religion and World Views lesson. We thoroughly enjoyed exploring the church and learning about baptism. Thank you Reverend Paul!

In science today, we used a converter to convert the measurements of the planets so that we could make them and order them correctly. We loved seeing the different sizes of the planets!

The life bus came in today. We had a lesson all about our bodies and how to make healthy choices!

In Birch class we have been creating blackout poetry based on remembrance.

In History we are learning about the Stone Age and we designed and made our own spear heads from clay

Year 4 have been learning about the water cycle in science. We designed our own and then drew them onto the playground!

Year 4 Harvest Festival

Wear it yellow day to raise money for St Margaret’s Hospice.

Identifying different types of triangles and finding angles that are 90 degrees.

Wow starter for English - designing and making our own rat traps!

Bath & Wells MAT

