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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Sycamore Class is a Y6 class. Our teacher is Mrs Symons and we are supported by Mrs Hinchliffe on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.


Our homework is set on a Monday, to be completed by Friday, when we have a spelling test. Our PE Day is usually a Thursday. Ensure your PE kit is in school to change into.

Year 6 Leavers 22.7.22

Oliver - End of Year 6 production 20.7.22

Animals including Humans (Science Wk Summer B)

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Picnic 27.5.22

No Pens Day 26.5.22 - Andy Goldberg Nature Art (Jubilee Style!)

Easter Cracked 29.4.22


Year 6 have been taking part in an "Invention Week" in English. This involves choosing a topic and text type of their choice. Some children have opted for non-fiction genres such as Information Texts, Explanation Texts and Discussions, or narratives. The children have loved exploring their passions and hobbies, and this has been reflected in their high-quality writing!

Science Week Spring A - Evolution and Inheritance

Year 6 Christingle Service 14.12.21

Abstract Christmas Cards

Autumn B Science Week - Electricity and Light!

Wellbeing Day 1.12.21

Y6 Certificate Winners 19.11.21

Year 6 Remembrance Service @ All Saints

Living things and their habitats - Homework project!

Y6 Autumn A Science Week - Living things and their habitats

Year 6 Sports Festival @ Taunton Academy

Isle of Wight 2021!

Bath & Wells MAT

