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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Welcome to Pine class.


Pine class is a mixed year 1 and 2 class of 28 children.  The teachers in Pine class are Mrs Bewes 4 days a week and Mrs Jones 1 day a week.  The teaching assistant working in Pine class is Mrs James.  We are looking forward to having a great year together.

We have had a wonderful day celebrating the Platinum jubilee. The children had a great time and enjoyed a lovely tea party and performing their song from the 70s ' We will rock you'

Pine class were fantastic at using drama to retell the Easter story this week.

Year 2 have had a great Science week learning all about how plants grow!!

Pine class have really enjoyed Funky hair day!!

Enjoying their ice creams

Dress to Express Day

The children have done some wonderful collaborative writing of poems this week.

Pine class have enjoyed a great dance lesson today!

Some super doodle robots in Pine class this week.

Sharing our special books as part of an RE lesson. Mrs Jones brought in two of her special books from her childhood.

Testing out some Victorian toys

Stars of the Week 19.11.21

Phonics 19.11.21


The children had fun reading in their pairs wearing their pyjamas today for Children in Need.


Our PE lessons will be on a Monday for the first few weeks, changing to a Thursday in Week 4 when we will have Premier sport working with us.

Making Jam Sandwiches in English week beginning 11.10.2021

Week 20.9.2021- Pine class had fun using the i-pads for programming!

Bath & Wells MAT

