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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Becoming Better Learners

'Becoming Better Learners' links with our core Christian value of perseverance. It is a philosophy where children adopt  a growth mind set and develop learning behaviours,  which will last their life time. We are always learning - no matter what our age! We encourage pupils to place themselves and their learning, in the challenge zone. We don't believe in ' it's too difficult,'  we prefer ' it's challenging, but I'll have an go!'  We call ourselves Purple Learners.

Careers and Aspirations week at Norton. We were joined by a number of visitors who discussed their careers with the children. The children spoke with a fire fighter, policeman, a veterinary nurse, a fighter pilot and a member of the ambulance service. To finish the week the children dressed up as who they'd like to be when they are older!

We have been working hard at Norton Fitzwarren School to become better learners.

Are you a purple learner?

We talk a lot at Norton! Sometimes talk can help us learn, sometime talk is unhelpful. We have been thinking about helpful and unhelpful talk in our classrooms. 


These are the examples of helpful talk...

  • asking for help
  • sharing ideas
  • asking questions
  • saying please and thank you politely
  • helping others if they are stuck
  • explaining an answer.



These are the examples of unhelpful talk...

  • talking about things that are not to do with your learning
  • interrupting
  • shouting out
  • answering back
  • being unkind to others.
Bath & Wells MAT

