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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

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I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Rowan Year 1+2

Welcome back video

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Parents Phonics Workshop Support Videos

Recommended books for Year 1 and 2

Sports Relief⚽️

We have been drawing and painting pictures of The Mayflower

Certificate Winners!

Wk Beginning: 10th February

Science Week: Exploring Materials 

This week we have been exploring different types of materials. We have looked at their properties and why certain materials are used for specific purposes. We looked around the classroom and also looked very carefully at Mrs Nelson's umbrella. We also tested which material was the best at stopping the car going down the ramp. 

Key Stage 1 Values Day: Perseverance

We read the story of Lost Coin, the lady in the story lost one of her special coins. We showed perseverance as we searched Pine and Rowan Class for different objects. Some were easy. Some were quite tricky.

Week beginning 20th January: Certificate Winners

African facts..

We have enjoyed sharing our fantastic facts about Africa.

Science Week

Rowan Class had a fantastic time exploring lots of different investigations during science week. They saved Humpty Dumpty from breaking, they helped The 3 Billy Goats Gruff get across the Troll’S bridge and they helped Mr Grinling make a new waterproof hat.

Bath & Wells MAT

