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Norton Fitzwarren Church School

One family together we shine

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11

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Welcome to Maple Class.

We are a Year 4 and 5 class led by Mr Benjafield and supported by Mrs Gibb.

Our certificate winners were photobombed this week

Indie was very tired after a morning of reading with the children

Values Day - Compassion. We learnt about the Pentacost and completed some lovely activities linked to this.

Waving off Shackleton and his crew

Application letters and interviews to be part of Shackleton's expedition

Maths Day - Shape. We had a great day learning all about the properties of different shapes.

Learning about why the cross is so important to Christians

Learning about forces and friction during Science week

The Christmas panto was online and it was brilliant!

Values Day - Generously making Christmas cards and an advent wreath for care home residents

Our new 'Wellbeing Champions'

Lovely printing work showing one of our values.

Some great examples of home learning. Well done Maple!

Shadow puppet performances during Science week

Roman baths activity. The children are acting out what happens in each room. Can you guess what they are doing?

Making our own Roman road to help us write instructions.

What an amazing Roman road!

Y4 Science - Catch up unit from Year 3 (Light and dark)

Certificate winners this week! 16/10/2020

Values Day - Generosity linked to Harvest

Certificate winners this week! 09/10/2020

Excellent extra homework. Well done!

Star of the Week and Star Reader

Welcome Back Maple Class!

Bath & Wells MAT

